
Play again?

Prosto sam zadivljen načinom na koji se svet odnosi prema izraelsko-palestinskom sukobu.
Uopšte ne ulazim u istorijsko-pravno-etničko-religijsko-strateške razloge sukoba. Nije uopšte važno ko je prvi počeo. U višedecenijskim sukobima onaj koji je prvi počeo ostaje nepoznat kao što je bio i na početku sukoba. Jer nije bio jedan već najmanje dvoje. Jedan "naš" i jedan "njihov".
Pored činjenice da su u međuvremenu ubili na hiljade jedni-drugih ostaje činjenica da sa tog područja ne mogu fizički da nestanu ni jedni ni drugi i činjenica da i dalje jedni i drugi smatraju da su životno ugroženi od onih drugih. A nije tako! Ne može da bude tako! Ne sme da bude tako!
Jednostavno neshvatljivo mi je da čovek, još uvek, ne može da živi pored drugog čoveka bez obzira na rasu i veroispovest onog drugog.
Ako ne može danas na ovom postignutom nivou civilizacijske i tehnološke svesti onda ostaje pitanje kada će moći. Šta još treba da se desi da bi ljudi shvatili ono staro "genus una sumus"!?

Čovek ubija čoveka!

Da li je moguće da nam više trauma pričinjava mogućnost izumiranja kitova ili foka i da se podigne veća planetarna halabuka zbog nehumanog ubijanja pasa lutalica nego kad ljudi ubijaju ljude.
Ljudi se međusobno ubijaju i uništavaju a ostatak sveta to gleda kao da se radi o nekoj kompjuterskoj igrici. Ranije smo bili primitivni i neprosvećeni pa se moglo, ajde, i razumeti takvo ponašanje, a šta je danas razlog?
Zašto ćutimo i ništa ne preduzimamo sem što navijamo za jednu ili drugu stranu?
Da li se to svet pretvara u jednu globalnu kompjutersku igricu bez duše i empatije. Oprezno! Ne zaboravimo da u stvarnom životu nema onog famozno "reset" dugmet i kad se pojavi "Game over" neće se pojaviti "Play again?"

Game over - Play again?
I am amased by the attitude people have to Israeli-Palestinian clash these days.
I do not want to talk about historical-law-ethnic-religious-strategic reasons for this clash. It is really not important. It also is not important who started it first and when. After so many years the "who started it first" is irrelevant. I know for sure that it was not one person who started but, at least, two. One of "us" and one of "them".
Besides the fact that in the meantime thousands of "them" killed thousands of "us" it is also the fact that they cannot eliminate each other and that they must learn to live together and one besides other.
But it is also the fact that both sides at this moment think that they cannot live together.
And this is not the true. It can not be the true! It mustn't be the true!
I don't see why people can not live together regardless to the color of their skin and regardless to God they are praying to.
If today, at this level of technological and civilization level we reached, we still can not live together question is will it ever be possible?
What else should happen to us to realize that we are the same. The same genetic material.

How is it possible that we care more about endangered animal spices then about people? People in Gaza and Israel are killed every day and the rest of the population is just watching it like some computer game. Why don't we all do something? Does the world turn into one big computer game without soul and empathy?
Be careful! Don't forget that in the real life there is no "reset" button and once we destroy each other the "Play again" button will not be an option!

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