
Cipela vs Tomahawk

Jedan Iranac je prilikom nedavne posete G.W Busha Iraku na konferenciji za štampu gađao predsednika - oslobodioca svojim cipelama. Ne znam tačno šta ga je motivisalo da upotrebi cipelu ali očigledno da su Iranci previše oslobođeni.
Mislim, to nije u redu. Iranci koji su poslednju deceniju imali tu čast da budu privilegovana nacija za isprobavanje američkog oružja za zaštitu i širenje demokratije ispali su totalno nezahvalni!

An Iranian throw his shoes on Mr. President - liberator, G.W. Bush, during his press conference in Tehran. I don't know what was the motive for this incident but obviously Iranians are too liberated. This is not OK. Being for over a decade American favoured nation for testing of their weapons for implementing democracy Iranian showed incredible ungratefulness.


Anonymous said...

Iracani se osecaju veoma uvredjenim kad je u pitanju gadjanje cipelom. Mozda bi i Bushu bilo lakse da ga je gadjao npr. mobilnim ili diktafonom :-)

Miroslav said...

Ovaj put je, barem, uspeo da sačuva sat :))

Тања said...


Zaher Rahwan said...

He is not Iranian, He is an Iraqi journalist !! and this conference was in Iraq. This shows how much Iraqis hate U.S G W bush. and throwing shoes is considered to be a great insult in the Arab world.

Miroslav said...

Iraqis, Iranians, Serbs... who cares... we all have the good reason to hate this bastard! Wish I was there to throw my shoes too or to spit in his face which is great insult in our world.